(article are extracted from wikipedia official website)

UiTM is closely linked to the development of the independent Malaysian nation. It began in 1956 as Dewan Latehan RIDA (Rural and Industrial Development Authority Training Center) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The school became known as Maktab MARA (MARA College) in 1965.

The name change meant that the college no longer operated under RIDA and instead became the most important unit of the MARA Training Division. MARA stands for Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Council of Trust for the Indigenous People) under the charismatic and dynamic leardership of Tan Sri Arshad Ayub.
In 1967, the school was renamed as Institut Teknologi MARA. Its establishment came as a response to a need in Malaysia for trained professionals, especially among Bumiputeras.
ITM's development took three major stages: From 1967 to 1976, ITM was an autonomous body with its own 300 acre (1.2 km²) campus in Shah Alam, operating under the Ministry of Rural Development. From 1976 to 1996, ITM advanced as an institution of higher learning and not only a professional training institute, operating directly under the Ministry of Education.
In 1996, an amendment to the ITM Act of 1976 put ITM on a par with all the universities in Malaysia, but its historical name was retained until 1999. Then it became Universiti Teknologi MARA. It is called "UiTM" to differentiate it from UTM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, which is a wholly separate university, based in Johor

University admission is open to Bumiputras only. Graduates to date number more than 110,000 with professional certificates, diplomas, BSc, MSc and PhD in various disciplines.
The university's faculties comprise about 4,000 academics, scholars and researchers. Faculty members need not to be Bumiputras. They include Malaysians of non-bumiputra origin as well as other nationalities (eg. from Iran, Mauritius and etc).
There are 25 faculties, 3 learning centeres and more than 200 academic programs.

There are several accomodations and facilities provided in the campus, such as free transportation, wifi, dining area and college accomodations.

minta maaf..
sy nk bertanya memandangkan encik mmg arif dlm hal2 ni..
sy berminat utk mengambil bidang hiasan dalaman..
tetapi ktika di sekolah dhulu, sy tidak mengambil subjek lukisan mahupun psv..sy belajar di aliran sains agama..jd, adakah boleh untuk sy mengambil bidang hiasan dalaman ini tnpa ada asas lukisan?
sy musykil dan amat risau jika sy tidak berpeluang untuk mengambil bidang tersebut..
uitm juga salah satu universiti yang sy dapati menawarkan bidang ini..
terima kasih jika encik sudi membalas..
drpd zulaikha..
salam zusai, bagaimana perkembangan sekarang. maaf , sy lambat update..
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